Targeted website traffic is that the lifeblood of any website looking to get revenue. While FREE traffic from the search engines seems the foremost logical thanks to go, actually staying before the sport are often tough. Here are my top 3 ways to send your traffic counter spinning without the headaches.
1. Trading Links With Other Webmasters:
By mutually believing another webmaster to trade link exposure on each others site, you’re expanding your market reach significantly. Not only does this generate instant traffic from the link partner, but you’ll also BOOST your Google PR and link ranking with other search engines as a bonus.
This helps you rank better within the listings, generating even more FREE traffic, without doing any complicated SEO.
There are some great tools to assist you start trading links. a number of them are even free. i do not recommend them personally because annoying banners or other sorts of ads compete for an equivalent space, doesn’t look very professional.
Alternatives to FREE software worth finding out are…
The ALMIGHTY Zeus – The one i exploit . Tough to urge wont to , but a superb piece of kit. The darn thing learns and just keeps getting smarter the more you employ it. (And a FREE trial so you’ll become a master before you buy)
Reciprocal Link Manager – Not as sophisticated as Zeus but much easier to find out if you’re pressed for time.
Axandra’s Arelis – many great reviews for this one and more within the Zeus mould.
2. Writing Articles to Publish Online:
This technique may be a very close second to my favourite one which I’ll share in only a flash . the quantity of exposure you’ll get from writing an easy article is astounding.
After you’ve written it up, you undergo the main article directories, then just sit back and watch the traffic stream in.
As another bonus you begin to realize more respect within your industry. Articles have this uncanny knack to make an aura of experience round the writer.
You also benefit once more with program ranking, as other webmasters with mailing lists publish your article on their site. Creating yet one more link back to you.
Articles are a really effective pre-selling technique too.
How much more targeted would an opportunity be arriving at your website after reading one among your articles in an email or on another site?
Not only did you get the advice from the publisher, but if they enjoy reading your article and obtain some value from it, you’ve already weakened one among the most barriers of selling…
Here are some cool resources to urge stuck into:
Editorial guidelines:
Some great “How To” advice:
And a pleasant BIG list of directories and announcement lists:
3. Viral Marketing:
Viral Marketing is defined as “Any advertising that propagates itself the way viruses do”; E.g. When Hotmail users send e-mails, they “infect” the recipients with the tagline at rock bottom of their messages.
If you UNLEASH a ‘Viral Marketing’ campaign, it’ll just keep it up multiplying, spreading your message round the web like wildfire. I absolutely LOVE this method of sending quality traffic to my website for free of charge .
Generating free traffic with ‘Viral Marketing’ is definitely the foremost rewarding use of some time . Taking good steps to craft the proper offer and layout of your ‘Viral Marketing’ message is important . But catch on right, and not only will a truck-load of qualified visitors come to your website, but an air of respect and expertise is generated around you and your business.