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After launching My Ad Center last fall, Google is now introducing the Ads Transparency Center as a “searchable hub of all ads served from verified advertisers.” 9to5Google reports: The Ads Transparency Center will let you view all the advertisements a company has run using Google’s networks. Each ad includes the date it last ran, format (text, video, etc.), and what region (country) it was shown in: “For example, imagine you’re seeing an ad for a skincare product you’re interested in, but you don’t recognize the brand, or you’re curious to understand if you recognize other ads from this brand. With the Ads Transparency Center, you can look up the advertiser and learn more about them before purchasing or visiting their site.”
You can search by advertiser (with approximate ad quantity noted) or website, with filters for topics, time, and country. Once an advertiser is selected, Google will show the feed of ads with the ability to select for more details. You’ll be able to access it directly here or from the My Ad Center, which lets you customize advertising that appears in Search, Discover, Shopping, and YouTube